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About INDEC BioSystems

Who is INDEC BioSystems?

INDEC BioSystems is a software and systems company with over 15 years of live cell imaging experience. Our goal is to provide tools for all levels of fluorescence imaging - from cellular to whole-body animal. We pioneered the FLUOVIEW confocal microscope (in partnership with OLYMPUS Corp), took over the well-regarded Imaging Workbench (IW) from Axon Instruments (now Molecular Devices), and most recently released FLUORVIVO, a powerful small animal in vivo imaging system. Our applications can now be found in leading research institutions around the world, and we continue to expand and enhance our products to better serve our customers.

Contact Us

INDEC Systems, Inc.
4546 B-10 El Camino Real
Los Altos, CA 94022, USA
Tel.: +1 - 408 - 986 - 1600

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